Welcome to the University of Iowa Electronic Music Studios.
Our Musical Instrument Samples Database includes strings, more winds and brass, percussion, and a Steinway piano. Our history and archive pages show how the studios have developed over the years and include a wonderful set of Moog Demo mp3s by Peter Tod Lewis. Our archives also list composers who have come to Iowa over the years to work with students, including alumnus Charles Dodge, James Dashow, Denis Smalley, and synthesizer pioneer, Don Buchla.
In the spring of 2002, the studios hosted SEAMUS, the National Conference of the Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the US, bringing over 240 participants for three days of concert and paper sessions.
In the summer of 2016, we moved to our new home in the new Voxman Music Building. Additional events this past year included performances in Iowa, Electronic Music Midwest, Midwest Composers Symposium, SCI conferences, Exchange of Midwest Composers, and SEAMUS.
If you're in the area, please stop by for a visit. There's always a lot of activity here and I will be delighted to show you around.
Professor Lawrence Fritts
Director, Electronic Music Studios
School of Music
University of Iowa